Claim Your Badge

How to Claim Your Badge

Micro-Credentials enhance your competitiveness and strengthen your ability to speak about earned skills and competencies with confidence and ease.

After you complete the Micro-Credential requirements, we encourage you to claim your badge and share your accomplishments.

Don’t forget to use #FIUMicroCred and #FIUCareerReady to connect with fellow earners.

Please click below for support regarding some of the most commonly asked questions related to claiming and sharing your badge:

  1. What is Credly?
  2. How do I manage and share my digital badge?
  3. How can I embed my badge in a website?
  4. Can I attach my badge to an email signature?
  5. How can I add my badge to my LinkedIn profile and share to my feed?
  6. How do I change my password?

Claiming through Credly

FIU has partnered with Credly to offer digital badges for Micro-Credential earners. A Micro-Credential can be represented through a single badge or a series of badges - also known as a meta-badge.

View our badges

Once you've completed all of the requirements to earn your Micro-Credential, your digital badge will be issued to you within 3 weeks. You will receive an email from Credly’s platform ( with the following subject: “Florida International University issued you a new badge”. Once you have received this email, take the following steps:

  1. Click the “Accept your badge” box in the middle of the message
  2. Create your Credly profile if you have not done so already
  3. Accept your badge
  4. Share your badge to LinkedIn and other social media platforms

Share your Micro-Credential

Once you've earned your badge, you can share it on your:

  • LinkedIn account or other social media
  • Website or online portfolio
  • Resume/CV
  • Email signature

Micro-Credentials are not documented on FIU students’ academic transcripts. They serve as a digital representation of competencies gained through participation in FIU courses and/or co-curricular activities.

Create your narrative

Now that you have earned a Micro-Credential, it is important to reflect on the skills you have and language that you can use to talk about them. The practice of reflection will help you to develop a narrative around your professional development journey - which is important as you prepare for an interview, promotion, or other opportunities.