
Earning your badge made easy

Micro-Credentials can be offered as part of a curriculum, standalone courses, professional development, or Continuing Education.

New Micro-Credentials are added each semester, so be sure to check back often.

At a glance

  • Time

    Time to completion depends on the Micro-Credential and can range from a few weeks to multiple semesters.

  • Fees

    Micro-Credentials offered as Continuing Education (for not currently enrolled students) may incur a registration fee.

  • Formats

    Available in-person, online, and/or hybrid.

How to enroll

Students can earn badges by enrolling in specific curricular or co-curricular offerings.

  1. Explore the Micro-Credential Catalog and search for curricular or co-curricular Micro-Credentials that meets your needs and goals.
  2. Reach out to the Micro-Credential Contact listed in order to receive registration information and next steps.
  3. Complete all of the necessary requirements to receive the Micro-Credential. These requirements will be specific to the activities or courses associated with the Micro-Credential.